The 4 Quartz Bracelet - Multi-Quartz Crystal Chips Beaded Bracelet (Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz & Amethyst)

The 4 Quartz Bracelet - Multi-Quartz Crystal Chips Beaded Bracelet (Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz & Amethyst)

  • $25.00
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The high frequency of Amethyst purifies the aura of negative energy and attachments. A protective shield of light that helps clear your energy and remain balanced and centred. Stimulates the Third Eye & Crown chakras, enhancing psychic ability and wisdom. Comfort stone for those who are grieving the loss.



Rose Quartz is the crystal of unconditional love. It carries a soft and feminine energy of tenderness, healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments and circulates divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Reawakening the heart to it’s own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfilment and contentment allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others.



Clear Quartz brings strength and clarity to the intellect and aids us with focus, concentration and memory retention. Clear Quartz is the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom. Assists with healing, meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, past- life recall and attracting love, prosperity and manifestations.



Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding stone that is used in healing work. It is one of the fundamental grounding stones. It is known to be able to establish a clear path by removing negative energy and passing it back to the Earth where it can dissipate naturally. It is also used in praying to ancestors, grounding the spirit and providing an anchor in the 3D world. A seeker transformer talisman used to transform a part of one’s life. Seekers help to find a new path, new approach or in any quest to gain which they desire. Smoky Quartz is used to transform our lives by removing negativity and reconnecting with the Earth and it’s powerful energies.